© 2025 Agri Serve Agro
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Agricultural Solutions for the Zambian Farmer

Drop for Farmers and Wholesaler Retailers

Agriserve Agro Zambia

Agriserve Agro offers both services and product to small-scale and commercial farmers across Zambia through a developed network of distributors. The company hosts a comprehensive range of quality products that have been proven in the Zambian market, this complimented by its field service offer farmers a complete solution.


Agriserve Agro’s mission is to strive to provide an integrated support service to both farmers and agro retailers in order to establish sustainable economic enterprises and to ultimately promote and help grow the agricultural industry in Zambia.


Agriserve Agro’s vision is to provide customers with only the best value for money products and at the same time delivering the required backup and technical service to enable farmers to achieve great success and significant growth.

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Send Us A Message

    Phone: +26 (0)21 125 8600

    Email: info@agriserveagro.com